In the book The Scynthians Author Barry Cunliffe talks about places The Scynthians lived Including parts of Asia Russia & Hungeria
It is Believed that Scynthians are a group of People who traveled for a living collecting treasured objects. It is Believed they Had Trades with The Roman Empire. Alot Of people and Researchers Believe that The Scynthians crossed into the Celtic Ises
Written Record of Ancient Britannia it's Inhabitants wrote by Greek Navigator Pytheas who Explord Ancient Brittion, Britan, Britannia around 325 BC.
Who talked about The Celts of The Ises
In his Voyage of Britain.
In one of my Researches I talked about The Singler Spiral and The Triskel and their meanings in The lesson about The Single Spiral
I mention how some may have Believed it represents water do to the Spiral Form but most research on The Single Spiral from Global Beliefs it was more used as A Symbol That revolves around Space such as The Sun, Pole Star & The Milky way Galaxy.
And how Our ancestors travel through the star's
Here is A look at The Double Spiral
These Celtic Double Spirals or Indian spirals from India given to Celtic Orgins and adopted by Ancient Greece & Rome
Later on I'm a share images from varies groups & Cultures of people.
You can Clearly see following The Two Spirals they are Connected To A wavey Line.
Similar Depictions of Water can be found all throughout The Globe especially in Native American Depictions of Rivers & Water.
It is Believed That Native American Tribes Came to North America through Canada & before Canada Siberia in which some Native Siberians are Genetically related to the Algonquin Tribes, That later on moved down into the America's
The Scynthians are said to have lived in the same place and time period of the Mongolian people. The Mongolian people lived around many parts of Asia including China as well as Siberia. The Scynthians Orgins are believed to be a Iranian group they later on became religious in different ways in ancient times mixing cultures and religion.
Ancient North Eurasians would have crossed paths with Native Siberians & Foreign settlers of European & Indo European orgins
Siberian Migrations includes Scynthians Hungerians Mongolian's The Paleo Eskimos & A Unkown group Likely of a Native Asian root Uts Ishim man given to a name of a mummy that is 45,000-years old
The native Americans we know today are believed to have crossed over into North America around 40,000 & or 13,000 years ago BP , Before Present time roughly 38000 BCE
Native Americans are believed to be Closely Related To Kets Yugh , Yakuts of Siberia all groups The Scynthians would have at one point Came into Contact with.
As well as Germanic Tribes & Celtic tribes & Indians during the Indo European Migrations and various groups.
During 8 hundred to 9 hundred years BC
That's 29,000 BC Scynthians believed to be Proto Iranic Religious people as well as Eastern Iranian Slavic & Turkish Some Speculation is that The Scynthians also became Celtic during the Slavic & Balkan regions.
While archaeological numismatic evidence indicates that the Bastarnae tribes had reached the Danube Delta as early as the second half of the 4th c. BC, they first appear in historical sources in connection with the events of 179 BC as allies of Philip V of Macedonia in his war with Rome
The Bastarnae orgins are surrounded in mystery rather they are either Scynthian Germanic Slavic or Celtic.
Which Takes us into The Balkan Celts
It is Believed The Bastarnae , The Gauls The Balkans The Galatians settled in the area of the Danube Area
Along the Danube River which many believe Danu , Ana , & The Tuatha de danann got their names from is The Danube River from Irish mythology
The Danube River stretches through Germany Austria Romania Serbia it is The Second Largest River in all of Europe.
Boarding Hungary Germany Austria Romania Serbia, Ukrane, lots of history there it is very possible
That Gauls or any Celtic Groups Could have relations to many other cultures that inspired other cultures from Celtic Culture of Beliefs and forms of Hinduism many religions take stories or Art or traditions from varies groups this is the Iron Age.
The Scynthians are said to have been Iranian as well as Celtic , as well as Slavic, Some being Hungerian & Some being Siberians.
So many European groups could vary well taken Designs or drawings artwork if you will from other Indigenous groups.
Especially if The Native Americans once lived in Siberia and not just Symbolism throughout human history but Healing as well such as Shamanism as A example every Country has a form of Healing from ancient Practices.
it is possible that The River Wave design was used by Romans
Which would be The Battle of Histria time period in 63 B.C
Water Bearer Symbol found in Greek & Roman Mythology in The Tales of Zeus looks Identical to the Ones found in Native American art for River or water and Similar designs can be found amongst early celtic culture. & even early Indian Culture from India.
Bede a Christian monk born in 673 A.D wrote about The Ancient Picts of Scotland The Picts appear in History in the 3erd Century to The 10th century A.D
Approximately not certain & he writes That The Picti / Picts, Pictish came Originally From Scythia and they we're Scynthians as mentioned before Scynthians existed in various forms of Religious practices & Not all believed in The same thing's but most likely we're mixed Cultured in Numerous group's. & Many believe They we're also Briton
The Greek writer Herodotus also a Historian wrote That the Given name for The Picti they called themselves Scoloti
The Scoloti which is Believed to have been passed down to Bernica which was a Briton Celtic kingdom near Northumbria and in Bernica the
Boernician family went by the name of Scot Scotland being named after Pictish Scynthians & Britons.
The Gaels however Came into Scotland after Ireland around the time of The Picts with The Native Siberians water symbol being Associated with Greek and Rome as well as well as Scynthians As well as Indians and possibly more.
It is very likely that The Gaels also used The Waved Watersymbol as well as The La Tène Spiral style Indicating that Multiple cultures from many different groups shared that wave , river , Water symbol & Double Spiral Water symbol since The Danube River since Native Siberians interacted with Other Europeans & Indo European group's
Here are Cave Carvings from Native Americans from the Puebloan people of South West America.
The two Spirals together Repersents water which is the reason for the wavey tale following the spiral in the previous picture.
In Native American culture also associated with a hand a hand for healing.
Keep in mind Native Siberians came across Romans Celts Sythians Germans Russians Mongolian's Hungerians and more all well Traveling to what we know today as America