I teach Druidry
Since June 2023 I have my Ordainery License, I can Officiate Weddings, any Ceremonies, Including Funerals & any Religious or Charity Events.
We also have Druidic ID Cards for members.
Every Celtic Holiday on the Celtic Calender
Has Bondfires, & Feast sometimes Games for Lughnasadh the longest Celtic Holiday is Samhain October 30th through November 2end. Some other's may even celebrate Samhain on October 25th-November first ending November 2end
All Ceremonies include Weddings, Coming Of Age, and Holiday Traditions.
As A Celtic Beliefer you will not be Shunned for wearing Torcs or any Religious Jewelry
Or be Shunned for Hair & or Religious Symbolism in The Form Of Tattoos do to it being a religious value under law The Freedom of Religion act.
Every member with Card will Practice Their beliefs as taught and believed that goes for Work. If your job Intervenes with Religious events you have a right to take it off do to Religious reasons & Holiday.
If you rent and have space for a fire and a pit away from Neighbors as a Religious tradition on holidays all parties such as Landlord or Staff must Obey do to freedom of religion act. And belief being taught by someone who is Licensed.
If you don't Have ID have any Compliantents email DreLouks2@gmail.com or Get in Touch on
The Website I will Confirm that you are a member and have equal rights to do all such things in the Celtic beliefs.