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The Single Spiral what is It ?

Writer's picture: Celtic Druid Temple Of BeliefsCeltic Druid Temple Of Beliefs

Updated: Nov 14, 2023

When you Think about Spirals you automatically assume The Triskelion from The Celts as well as Ancient Greece & Rome

& The Trimurtis of Ancient India

But The Single spiral is more Renounced

It can be found all over The Globe With most resources explaining the same thing.

It is Believed by many Researchers and Historians and Scholars That The Single Spiral

Is a Symbol That Repersents The Sun or The Sun Place in the Galaxy or Galaxies

Which then Inspired The Triskelion to be Associated with The Elements of three.

Some may veiw The Triple spiral Symbol because of The sun.

But in this Blog we are just talking about The Singlar Spiral

The single spiral represents the radiance of cosmic energy. It also symbolizes knowledge some believe.

Julius Caesar wrote about how The Druids we're very intelligent Astronomers

Which more Information on that will be in another Blog about Constellations & Astrology as well as The Celtic Calender.

The spiral occurs naturally in the form of waves and other cultures have used the spiral to depict water. Also related to migration, some of the spiral carvings in Scandinavia are thought to represent the stars and their positions in the sky

See there is another reference to Stars The Sky and Space.

It also says Water by some ancient Civilizations which would bring me to the Double Spiral which would be in another Blog or a Book.

An anti-clockwise spiral is thought to symbolize the passage from the inner self to the outer soul.

This Celtic single spiral is thought to show the development, or growth of a person over time and maybe connected with cosmic energy. All of these Depictions are from Different Sources and Of Course Cosmic having to do with Astrology.

These single spirals have been most commonly found on archaeological burial sites and on dolmens in Ireland and France.

In Multiple Religion's in the world it is Believed our Internal Soul Transfers into one life into the next life through the Cosmos.

Which also corresponds with the stars as well as energies to travel through space or universe into the Other World or reincarnation wherever that next life may take us.

In Mexico Bodies we're found In a Burial site in a Spiral pattern What does this have to do with The Celts you ask? The answer is Ancient practices Beliefs and people's as a whole.

Many people's have Similar Belief structures or same beliefs in ancient times taken from Multiple sources of other people they came into Contact with.

This is what was written

This is where archeologists take a step back! They know that any, and all efforts to interpret what a spiral grave of skeletons actually meant to the people who created it, are futile meanderings in one’s creative imagination! Many experts are convinced spirals represented water in Ancient Mexico, while others believe they are the circumpolar stars wheeling around the pole star. Others will tell you they generate, or contain, powerful Earth energies where a dryer expert might see them as simple references to swirling winds that affected hunting and fishing efforts.

You can clearly see Water as well as Stars and Sun get brought up and how they bring up the Pole Star the number of 3 again so other people's may also experienced similar beliefs.

But it's not totally about those three things

Spirals can also be found in Ancient Hispania Spain.

Including Peru which brings me to this photo which is most likely for the water explanation in Mexico. In The Nasca Lines of Peru The Ancients used Spiral like Burial Mounds to Retrieve Water from The Desert landscape.

Spiral Water holes or Spiral Water Wells found near The Nasca Lines in Peru known as puquios

Similar water ways can be found in many different Hispanic Countries.

As for The Nasca Lines in Peru here are Images of The Singlar Spirals being that of The Nasca Lines in Peru.

This Single Spiral no Doubt is The Same as The Celtic Single Spiral found in many Celtic lands as well as Carvings found in Ireland and Scotland & Matches the Spirals in India which would Pre-Date La Tène culture

And these Single Spirals Carved on NewGrange

This one underneath The Carving at Newgrange, Donore, Co. Meath, Ireland is Identical to that of The ones in Peru The Spiral in Peru is a Nasca Line Believed to be The Milky way Or alignment with The Pole Star & Sun.

How would these Single Spirals be found in separate regions of the globe you may ask

Well this is a Theory

Now With That Said we should also look at The Fact That Alot Of Ancient Celts have A Latin Heritage and Indian heritage The Ibera Peninsula of Spain & Portugal in Gallo Roman times

Romans also spoke Latin but different from that of The Celtic language groups

David Stifter Sengoídelc is a great read on The Migrations of Celtic languages and Old Irish as well talks about these historic events as well as many Celts of The Ises Talk about Spain & Hallstatt austria and other Historians and Archaeologist

since Portugal & Brazil have history together as well as other Hispanic groups with Latin Speaking groups from Europe why not Peru.

Most of South America have history with Indo Europeans though Brazil was around 1500 that Brazil was Discovered so they Claim which leads into thousands of years of Untouched history which makes it very possible other settlements have lived in Brazil before since Portuguese is The first language of Brazil and Portuguese Orginates from The Iberia Peninsula in Celtic Roman Times & Portugal being it's out Country not apart of Spain.

Believed to have been A Celtic Latin language as well as a Romace language use by Rome.

With different forms of Latin breaking off of different Indo European groups. If Brazilian's always spoke Portuguese which is very similar to That of Galacian language from The Celtic Region of

Galicia it is Most likely that Brazil Had Greek , Roman, & Celtic Invaders Thousands of Years earlier Most Likely after the Cantabrian wars in 19 BC which would predate The Discovery of The 15 hundreds.

In Peru Most of The Nasca Lines we're Constructed 2,000 years ago 200 BC

It is also believed many Celtic Tribes went from Iberia to Southward into Portugal and fled else where around The 3erd Century BC. Which is roughly 200 or 201 BC through 300 BC The same age as The Nasca Lines in Peru The Celtici , Célticos varies groups

Gallaeci , Celtiberians , Turdetani

You can also see Single Spirals near The Red Sea. Is it A coincidence

That the Nasca Lines are as old as the time's Celtic Tribes of Spain fled during the

Cantabrian wars. Here are pictures of the Milky way

In this Image it shows The Milky way as well as The Position of Earth note it is also a single Spiral.

And Single Spiral found near The Red Sea also has little circles in the design just like the one Carved at Newgrange.

Making The Single Spiral meaning The Galaxy we live in as well as The Stars and Sun as well as our Journey Crossing over through the stars in our next life another teaching of three in The Astrology description imagery of The Galaxy.

Evidence In Galicia shows a single Spiral with lines going through it. & multiple smaller single spirals attached. And from The Distance what appears to be a space rock or a moon indicates The Earth's Orbit around the sun, And may depict the Milky way Galaxy.


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